As a tsatellite radio Three Directors Step Down at Sirius XM Radio as Liberty Media Takes Controlhank-you to New Zealand for granting him citizenship, Dotcom gifted the country with a $500,000 fireworks show for the 2011 New Year. Kim and his wife watched the ten-minute display from a helicopter just 200 meters away from the explosions.
A shake-up in the boardroom was not unexpected, given that Liberty Media recently gained control over Sirius. Liberty had been buying shares of Sirius for months, Outdoor Education Methods And Strategies and disclosed in a Jan. 22 filing that it owns 50.2 percent of the satellite firm.
Resigning their board seats were Leon Black, Lawrence Gilberti and Jack Shaw. Several weeks ago,Time-Shaving Techniques To Know The the spanish language language Simpler and Faster. MelKarmazin resigned from the board and stepped down as CEO.
Liberty first bought into Sirius in 2009 by investing $530 million into the then-struggling company, helping Sirius to avoid bankruptcy.
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Sirius was a penny stock in free-ll back then. On Jan. 22, the stock was unchanged in midday trading at $3.15. It has surged more than six-fold in four years.
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